Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011

I could be your girl, girl girl

Yeah, actually I'm in a pretty good mood :) everything is fine and planned for the next days and months! Me and Micha will go up to Arnheim, Netherlands, and I'm so excited, yet! And in the evening we'll celebrate our graduation ball (once again, but with my family) And it's already certain when we will spend our holidays ♥ Probably in September, guess in Spain! I look forward to it, yay! Tomorrow I'll meet Sueeeee, bet it'll be awesome :D Oh, and I found some time to take pictures (Btw. I cut my hair - bangs, but I cut it after the photos haha) I hope you like them :)

- The Jezabels - A Little Piece


10 Kommentare:

  1. You have so beautiful photos on your blog!
    Can you speak Polish? Or did you translate your comment into my language? :D

  2. Wow .. You are very beautiful! Nice new blog :)
    Thank for your comment :)

  3. Haha. Oh yes, writing is more difficult. But you're doing it good ;)
    I'll follow your blog! :)

  4. schönes seifenblasenbild. sowas festzuhalten in der richtigen stimmung ist nicht einfach.

  5. Oh thank you @Klára! ♥

    Haha thank you so much Marlena! I do my best :D

    Dankeschön Amelie :)

  6. ch bin baff. baff von all den tollen photos. baff von deinem blog. wirklich toll.
    deine bilder sind so traumhaft leicht.

  7. deine Bilder sind alle so wunderschön verträumt :D

    was hast du denn für ne Kamera/ Objektiv?
