Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011

Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough

Oh it's soooo cold out there! consequently I really don't feel like taking some photos, because I would freeze my tail off! plus I'm waiting in vain for the snow...I'm missing it :(
And once again me and Micha made a trip to Arnheim ♥ it was amazing, but the cold wind was so awful, that it wasn't really a pleasure for us to stay there ... Anyways it was worth it!

- Lana del rey - Born to die

Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

Promise you'll remember that you are mine

First of all I want to apologize for this really late post! I've been so so busy! That's why it's just a quick post...Moreover it's so always just too dark to take some "normal" photos :( That's unfavourable in winter, but well...Anyways I also spend much time with packing christmas presents etc.! Can't wait for it ♥ The photos are a bit older, but I really try to find time to take new ones! Hope you like it ♥